Business hours Mon - Fri: 8:30am – 5:30pm

Three new Teams features to look forward to

The use of Microsoft Teams has just exploded in the last few years, and it now boasts 270 million people using it every month. Of course, it was the right tool at the right time when we all rushed to working from home at the start of the pandemic.  But the growth of Teams has […]

Never use your browser’s password manager

Microsoft is always introducing new features and services to keep your people safe online, and your data secure. As a business owner or manager, you should already know that weak or reused passwords are one of the biggest risks to data security.  A new update coming soon to Microsoft Edge will give you access to […]

Businesses are spending more on IT this year

As a business owner or manager, you know how important good IT is. Your business couldn’t function without it.  Your IT isn’t just about computers and data. It’s everything from your phone system, to your printers, to where you access your documents. And that’s without going into the measures you must take to keep your […]

Is your team still working at 10pm?

If you have people working remotely in your business, you’re probably used to emails flying around at all hours of the day or night. Working from home has been life-changing for some. Your people are able to be more flexible with their time during the day, fitting in time for school pick-ups and appointments where […]

You need this feature if your browser looks like this

We all have different ways of working. Some of us prefer to have a minimal amount of things displayed on our screens. Others thrive when everything is open and in sight. But we can all agree that having 20 tabs open in your browser at any one time has a negative effect on productivity. Simply […]

Russian cyber-attack threat: How to protect your business

The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to a sharp rise in cyber-attacks. And while many of the attacks are between these two countries, there is very real potential for other countries to fall victim to cyber-attacks by Russia, thanks to the sanctions placed upon it.  Over in the US, President Joe Biden declared […]

Two thirds of remote workers use a faulty device so they don’t get into trouble

A new report has discovered that 67% of remote workers are using faulty tech when they work remotely. And often that’s because they’ve accidentally damaged the tech themselves… they don’t want to admit it to their boss in case they get into trouble. A company that sells refurbished technology surveyed 2,500 UK employees. It found […]

Alert: A clever new type of ransomware attack

It seems like we’re talking about cyber scams a lot at the moment. And now there’s another new trick you need to be aware of.  Cyber criminals are smart. They’re forever coming up with new ways to infiltrate your devices and networks to access your valuable data. Fortunately, the defence weapons continue to get stronger […]

Protect your business from these common financial phishing scams

The average office worker sends and receives around 121 emails every day. And while that sounds like a lot, you may be shocked to learn that 3 billion phishing emails are sent each day. They account for 1% of all email traffic.  What’s a phishing email? It’s an email sent by cyber criminals that pretends […]